Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. All of it. . I'm sorry." George H. W. Bush. It is almost like they want you to not look into what Lin Wood is saying. I never had one. Really he is a Billionaire and Top "Elite" that does not give a Fuck About You. Asbury University Week Long Revival Continues! In fact, they were completely indifferent. They were terrified. Laura does not actually flash a picture as you can see that it does not open completely. Some Masks made during the COVID-19 Pandemic contain tiny 'Black Worms.' They have Lawyers and Bank on the Sick and Dying. ", Reminder: Bill Gates owns A Patent (WO2020060606) which involves a Centralized Blockchain-based Crypto-Currency. these vaccines have undergone intensive safety monitoring. I cancelled daddy's evil plans. More deluded than you linking the envelopes to the pandemic, even though the envelopes were a year before the pandemic and half the people who received an envelope aren't in power and therefore have little to gain/lose more than the rest of us? Global Wars. At the end of the day Hospitals are Businesses. CHECK YOUR INBOX OR SPAM FOLDER to confirm your subscription. Depopulation and Culling of the Human Species has begun. What in the World is on Cynthia's mind? '. Ukraine Has Now Listed Joe Biden WANTED on Class A Felony Charges. Im sorry. Twin Towers. They will also do everything they can do cover their own Asses in profiting and fraud during a Pandemic. Lin Wood: "If Pence is arrested, @SecPompeo will save the election. is a geophysical weapon so powerful, it is a weapon of mass destruction using Weather modification & manipulation. When they got a note, That fell out of their funeral programs at Old Bush's funeral. This is where the whole world is Heading. And this is only a Fraction that is being Reported. The best is when the coffin for GWB sr. goes by and Laura shows Jeb and George the notes, they both turn white and visibly shocked. 2.3k Views I am sorry". "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING. "Former President of the United States. A real conspiracy against The People. How on earth is there any possible way for you to know that that envelope didnt say Donald knows about the pandemic, change of plans. First Migrant facility for children opens under Biden. Let's demand that we get Trump back - NOW. 2+1+7+2+2+3=17. Mark Zuckerberg is an example of a "Human Being" with an Extraterrestrial Consciousness that has taken over. They are Holding and not letting go on GameStop Stock. I'm Sorry." - George H. W. Bush Funeral Envelope Reactions (04:44) 28 October 2022 1 min read. BaitBook wont let me see this important intelligence. Look at all these Shills and Bots coming out of the Digital Bushes to Slam these Tweets. MESSAGE "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I AM SORRY GEORGE H.W. An All-In-One drawn collage of conspiracies and recap of the 2020 U.S. Election. GW seems resign, the letter wipes the stupid grin off Jeb's face and Laura looks indignant/angry. Do not forget that. The US Corporate government seeks to roll over its payments past the deadline. You know it. I'm Sorry." - George H. W. Bush Funeral Envelope Reactions (04:44) Get Instant Updates - Join Us On Telegram THE PLAN P2 - "They Know Everything. Chicago-area hospital abruptly halts administering COVID vaccine after multiple reactions in staff members. Freighter Evergreen getting stuck was Leaked in Advance. This App involves a Centralized Cryptocurrency that includes your fingerprint, biomedical data, personal and medical identity records. There have been nine posts, one of them asking for readers to share the link, which is . Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party. Bush. Yeah - and it only needed a quick glance. Even Richard Nixon, who seemed like quite an old man at his death in 1994, made it only to 81. If you Use the Words Trump, ANTIFA, Congress and Riot in your Post Headline it will be Heavily Attacked by Bots and Shills Policing Reddit. Bush. Bush had confessed to everything.Numbers were coded on the envelopes. Can everyone's ideology handle that? by She just shows him the program? 2020-12-29 12:32:32 George Bush Funeral Envelope Reactions. You can tell what's real by how violently the world reacts to it. To receive regular updates direct to your email inbox, please complete the details below OR dismiss this message by clicking the cross above. All of this has been worked on for decades by Charles Lieber with DARPA money, as well as funding from the PLA. Along with supplyin Story at-a-glance The U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didn't get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a As President of 335 million people, one has to measure out the truth because most people aren't necessarilyready for the full truth, even to the point of beingvulnerable to emotional,mental and spiritualdamage should full trut She refused to comply and got fired. "I'm not weak! Copyright 2023 Rumble. More friendly censorship, Covid and the Vax are meant to kill long term, not short term. It was likely a CCP Military Asset that was downed by the U.S. BUSH. The video shows the reactions of all of them seeing the alleged card at the end. Islam. Patriotsare abuzz with the news that House Speaker Keven McCarthyis releasing over40,000 hours of J6 videoto the Fox Media magnet, Tucker Carlson. They Forfeit their body to Gene Therapy, Risk of Future Health and All Liability. "I know what you did last summer, I mean 9/11", September 4-7: Kavanaugh hearings, where Lindsey Graham looked happier than he had in years. Google has Censored the Building that was hit by the RV bomb on Christmas Day in Google Maps. Just like patent WO2020060606, When FDA reviewed and approved Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 Vaccine they knew there were blot clotting events. I'm sharing because I've seen this floating around. I am sorry". They are Throwing Everything to fight this and label it as "Misinformation," While hiring 3rd party Shill Services. -. Here is the kicker: @2:06, in just a few frames, Ned is actually a Reptilian species. Michelle is more than happy to pal around and take candies from George W. Obviously, it's never a pleasant thing to have to deal with such dark criminality, even to hav President Trump and First Lady Melania Exude Class Traditionally, thethird Monday of February is when Presidents' Day is celebrated. I am sorry". He had opted for a cyanide pill - cyancallium. This rumor never became fact. 2728b The Attempted Coup [Treason] Opens The Public Door To More Serious (54 min), Ep. We Have Gone Full Circle! May your chains set lightly upon you" - Samuel Adams. Riccardo Bosi, former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel, iscandidate for Parliament in Australia's largest state by population,New South Wales, its capital being Sydney, the nation'slargest city. A Statement by President Trump on the Witch Hunt of January 6, Let's Celebrate the Real President this Presidents' Day, MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: Mexico Tackles COVID-19 Pandemic With Junk Food Bans, MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated, 'Are you asking me to lie to parents?' Promptly Gets Cut Off By CNBC. It appears to be at George H.W. Retired Newspaper Columnist, Pelosi knows it. LOL. It's not about what,it's about WHO! RON PAUL: New Poll: US Support For Ukraine Continues To Evaporate. Yet behind the scenes, he had been actively involved in the development of the Great Plan to destroy evil.By Iska L. A MUST WATCH TO GET FINALLY AN UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS GOING ON! A retruth from President Trump yesterday (Feb 15) then again today (Feb 16)shared a link to Just the News and an article covering the Brunson case 22-380 with the Supreme Court of the United States. Secondly, trust me buddy we are NOT trumpsters in here and those who are certainly arent fans of either Bushes. When did Propaganda really start to be used against US Citizens through their Televisions and Internet? Side note: if you ever needed a picture of the Uniparty, this is it. Watch this video clip to understand better the evil perpetrated on We the People during the c19 scamdemic and theinevitable jab treatment it led to. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He is a coward & will sing like a bird & confess ALL.". Lets open the files expose the sins of the USA now! Bush saying "They know everything. Bush lived more than twice as long as John F. Kennedy, the youngest president to die. The Real President to the people of East Palestine Ohio: "You Will Not Be Forgotten", MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: Success FDA Finally Issues Amalgam Warning, Tucker's ratings just went way up: He now has access to 44,000 hours of J6 video footage, Putin's moral clarity in sharp contrast to Prez-Joey's clownish bluster. Video Removed From Youtube: The Shooting inside the US Capital was 100% Staged. Warnings coming from Department of Homeland Security. For all those who are still unfamiliar with the origins of the Q Military Intelligence Qperation and its purpose,-->>, Military Earth Alliance covert operations have neutralized high-level parasitic elites, bloodline families and secret societies in recent years.>>>, THE TAKEDOWN OF THE CABAL FROM A TO Z>>>, GUANTANAMO BAY DETENTIONCENTER:DEATH PENALITY FOR>> HIGH CRIMES>> TREASON>>CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, supported by@GitmoTV@TRIBUNALSforJUSTICEpowered by@ExposeThePEDOSendOfTheCABAL. I'm sorry." by George H.W. Jeb retracts with horror then glares at Trump with total hatred Its actually the only time I have seen Jeb Bush show any emotion. Bush made explosive deathbed confessions that ripped the lid off his darkest secrets. What that actually Means is that COVID-19 Vaccines Fail to meet Standard Approval. It happened on December 5, 2018, at the funeral of the 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Some of those tributes have included a curious "code word". Removed freedoms. A New Normal. Report profane or abusive content. Jebs reaction is the most strange to me. This moment will go down in history as a turning point in the fight of good vs. evil. Hey y'all. So I saw a video of the "envelopes" being passed around by some of the elites at the George Bush Sr funeral. Case and point, the day they got a strange card at Bush senior's funeral. They are based in London whose primary asset is election technology and a voting machine manufacturer. I'm not understanding the conspiracy. Corruption. "They know everything. I wonder what is in this letter. As a means to be afraid and to Emphasize The Importance of a COVID Vaccine. Singer of the National Anthem, Lady Gaga, to ring in the 46th President of the United States. . All rights reserved. The body language of all they caught on camera opening this letter showed horror and fear. ~ March 1, 2023, The Entire World is Watching, Q Message ~ February 28, 2023, RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF TUESDAY 28 FEBRUARY 2023, The Boot Club and Other News Today March 1, 2023, PUTIN HANDLING CORRUPTION LIKE A BOSS ~ March 1, 2023, Deep State Absolutely Wants to Kill You Alex Newman ~ March 1, 2023, Cloif High We ALL know! Dominion Voting Systems Utilized SolarWinds. A President-Elect, especially one already discovered to being connected to a foreign adversary, is not getting the Intel. Retired TV reporter/anchor, Retired Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Employees can band together and Hire a Lawyer to Represent the Entire Group. People who Receive this "Vaccine" are Signing an Invisible Contract. I don't need your protection!" Just like 6uild 6ack 6etter and "Vaccine" Passports. Copyrights, Ruby Ray Media Ruby Ray Systems and our Torch Logo Registered Trademarks, are owned and licensed by Ruby Ray Systems Srl.Copyright 2020 Ruby Ray Systems Srl, a Swiss Limited Liability Company. The secret service agent handed George Jr. the letter, he opened it, showed his wife, his wife showed Jeb. Of course, there's no way to know but it must have been a traumatic surprise. "They Know Everything. They Keep Saying it is a Time to Heal. Now watch what happens, up pops Agent Smith, to replace the person you were just having a conversation with to attack you because all truths threaten the Matrix. It use to be the United States but they had to practically destroy it to take back the Reins for Control., "A Gay Prostitution Ring Reached Into George H.W. It was choreographed perfectly, the camera trained in on the Bushes at the perfect moment. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the The Vaccine isn't what it seems. These are the Stories and Faces of Human Beings Killed by COVID-19 "Vaccines." It is dramatic because many of them looked worried and pissed.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Facts suggest the Wuhan Flu was developed by US factions, MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: Safety Data for Hep B Vax for Newborns Exposed, EXPLOSIVE Arizona Election Fraud Testimony with Links to National Election Fraud, Bosi the Brave, Australia's True Leader, Tells It Like It Is, Off the charts! 1.8M subscribers in the conspiracy community. Helping others access and implement new creative skills. Apparently, the Clintons, Bidens, Pences and Obamas received an envelope from GW Bush stating the following: They know everything, Im sorry.. Grateful to science, knowledge, & the confidence to be a part of ending the pandemic. This is all about Control Mankind. I will tell you why Joe Biden is not getting the "Intel." Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I notice Pence didn't get one, but his wife did, in fact Bill didn't seem to get one, just Hilary. Activision-Blizzard starts virtual signaling withing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Change my Mind. "All Warfare is based on deception." HOW WINNERS WALK>>> MUST WATCH TO GET FINALLY AN UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS GOING ON!-For all those who are still unfamiliar with the origins of the Q Military Intelligence Qperation and its purpose,-->> Earth Alliance covert operations have neutralized high-level parasitic elites, bloodline families and secret societies in recent years.>>> FOR CABAL, THE TAKEDOWN OF THE CABAL FROM A TO Z>>> Bush Sr. Funeral Video - Eyes on the wives & envelopes--->>> & JFK JR. REUNION SEPTEMBER 11 2016 GAME OVER---->>> PROMISES MADE PROMISES KEPT #DDK #QNN-->> ENVELOPES MYSTERY SOLVED--->>> BUSH FUNERAL and the ENVELOPE - "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I AM SORRY"---->>> BUSH FUNERAL and the ENVELOPE - "THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, I AM SORRY"-->>, WE HAVE IT / THEM (YOU TOO?) FYIBoth videos were unable to view with a Notice of Video removed. READ NEXT: The curious case of the star who barely plays for . Did H.W. This is one of the only versions left with reaction from those who received one. Will pass antibodies to baby. George H. Bush. The Franklin scandal, they whispered of Bush seniors affinity for younger flesh. Hydroxychloroquine taken with Zinc completely destroys the COVID-19 Pandemic, Mandated Mask, Vaccine and COVID Passport Agenda. To those waiting: have patience. "One version from envelopes: They know everything. And nothing ever became of this lol sad but They win (if it was something), I bet the message was from Trump, warning them of how he is possession of very delicate info involving the rest of them that is why he is getting reelected. Read Later Add to Favourites The news done with no filter! There are a lot of people with money and power stopping this. This should be alarming. LIVE VIDEO SHOWING WASHINGTON D.C. ARRESTS AND RESCUING CHILDREN UNDER NEATH THE TUNNELS IN DC. When are The Masses going to realize this is a Puppet Show with Strings Everywhere. Tucker credits the Q-Army for takedown of Lori Lightfoot. That's the million dollar question my man. Executive Order 13848 is in play and the 2020 Election falls under matters of National Security now. US COVID-19 death numbers are Wrongfully Reported, building up Fear, to leverage a political agenda and create a Forced Shutdown and a Vaccine. MRC-5. I think most people following this story believe they is trumps army of god and the other presidents are busted for being satanic pedos. With With negative GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth in the negative for the last two quarters, it behooves us to look at who is behind the slowing of the economy and what they are up to. . It was all chess pieces on the board and part of the Grand Plan. Did you know that Kamala Harris husband works for DLA Piper? Because it was dropped. < Georgie was very happy with the Illuminati pyramid that was given to him while recouperating from polyp removal. "To help our society to 'build back better', inclusion of the vulnerable must also entail efforts to promote their active participation." Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual It was a message from George H.W. Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition. <<|Time to Unify|"These Little Ones"|Trump 2024. Why is there zero footage of a plane actually hitting the Pentagon on 9/11? China. They have to hide that Depopulation is happening through Vaccination. Then Laura Bush shows Jeb who is leaning over her shoulder. Billionaires Do Not have your Best Interests in Mind. I heard it was a simple message: They know everything. I'm sorry". Your email address will not be published. I always thought they were just an invitation to a post funeral get together. It was all under the Obama Administration. The worldwide Patriot Movement has God in every detail At times it is difficult to see thehand of God moving through our collective circumstances. Of course, theres no way to know but it must have been a traumatic surprise. 2020-12-29 15:36:48 Greatest Redpill you May Receive 2020-12-29 16:49:08 This Image Sums up the current State of Affairs of the Conspiracy Theorist versus Narrative Control. Im sorry but theres no way George HW Bush would have an envelope passed around like this at his funeral with cameras lol, Now that I think about it, it would actually be perfect to do it like this for the exact reason you mentioned it, no one would know any difference and other messages could like be intercepted read unless a meeting happened, No need to always operate in the shadows when you control the media and therefore the narrative. George H.W. I bet the note was a. ModeRNA. It is much easier to control the narrative if you Demonize ALL Dissenting Opinions against Joe Biden. 19 Jan 2023 23:44:58 The Symbolism has Always been in Front of Everyone. US Corporations' September 30th fiscal payment deadline Sep 30, 2023 USA Each year around that time, as the payment deadline approaches, we see all sorts of maneuvers. Individuals who argue that COVID-19 "Vaccines" are 'Designed' to Protect the Complying Sheep and Kill Off the Agenda Resistors are really Tricking people into taking the Experimental 'Vaccine.' People who line up to get shot up an 'Experimental Vaccine' are no different than the people who drank Jim Jones Kool-Aid. Because fuck that British actor. If you get a COVID-19 Vaccine you should Enroll in Life Insurance. this is definition of nothingburger. COVID-19 Vaccines are playing out Exactly like the Polio Vaccine and Swine Flu Vaccine. The Covid-19 "Vaccines" are for Depopulation and Worsening the "Pandemic." Even though five cases occurred, included a 25-year-old, they concluded it was not related and recommended "surveillance for further evaluation of thromboembolic events with deployment.". George H. W. Bush: "They know everything. Required fields are marked *. - If I were you, I would find out why. Swiss canton says Person Died after COVID-19 shot, unclear if there is a link. A Total of 3,150 out of 112,807 Recipients of the COVID Vaccine are "Unable to perform normal Daily Activities, Unable to Work, Required Care from Doctor or Health Care Professional. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Please check if there are posts that match all the below criteria. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. Deaths in Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), since its start in 1990. PolitiFact - No, the UN is not planning to implant the world with biometric IDs. Bush Obviously I have no way of knowing if this is true. The Shooting inside the US Capital was 100% Staged. Nothing deters thesecabal scumfrom walkingAmerican citizensinto destruction at every turn. Is this what the world has come to with the COVID-19 Vaccine? Media and Government Lies Exposed by Everyday Australians, Find out whos behind these crimes against humanity, If you want to stop the UN and WEF stealing your homes, land, wealth and freedoms take control NOW and join the thousands of Australians making a difference at AustraliaOne. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. Heres Why ~ March 1, 2023, U.S. Supreme Court rules in taxpayers favour on FBAR issue ~ March 1, 2023, March 1, 2023: March is Coming In Like a Lion [video], Saturn & Pluto Change Signs March 2023 March 1, 2023, Galactic Federation: You Will Travel Through Space With Us March 1, 2023, Russian, Chinese and South African warships wrap up naval drills in the Indian Ocean ~ March 1, 2023, Horrifying train collision in Greece leaves dozens dead ~ March 1, 2023, Iran simulates attacks on nuclear sites in air defense drills ~ March 1, 2023, New SGAnon with Conservative Patriot Nation Network w/Update on Ohio, Ukraine, DUMBS ~ March 1, 2023, Mel K & Sean of SGT Report | Is the War Already On Our Soil? Im sorry. The Biden Crime Syndicate undermines Americans' rights and freedom by the second. After his execution. The 41st president had a significant political legacybeyond the presidency, including serving . There must have been more than codes, because Jeb Bush looked like he wet his pants! Bush last month received mysterious envelopes hidden in their programs, allegedly informing them that they are under indictment, Janda asserted that George W. Bush met at the Credit: Rumble. But when you look for the divine, God is always there, ready to answer the call. To those who are unsure: read primary sources, ask, & don't give into fear.". The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs). Antifa. I have watched the whole thing. H.A.A.R.P. How long do we endure the fakes? Given that the Bush family hates Trump, that would explain their reactions. News video on One News Page on Monday, 21 March 2022 I guess nobody does know for sure, what we do know is 2 years later and nothing specific to that funeral or the people who received those envelopes has occured. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. And such icons as Theodore Roosevelt, who died at 60, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who died at 63, or Lyndon B. Johnson, at age 64. Some citizens' complacency toward these le A new AP/NORC poll shows that support among Americans - of all political persuasion - for continued involvement in the Russia/Ukraine war continues to crater, suggesting increasing political risk for politicians who continue to toe the Biden Administ WoW! It is dramatic because many of them looked worried and pissed. LIVE VIDEO SHOWING WASHINGTON D.C. ARRESTS AND RESCUING CHILDREN UNDER NEATH THE TUNNELS IN DC. Mathew was trying to leak this Data to the Press and ended up losing his Job", "You're having a conversation with a friend and everything is fine until you mention something like, '9/11 was an inside job.'