Student interest will be taken into consideration in deciding what additional topics to cover. What is the proper 'geography'--classification and analysis--of our emotions, and what is their relation to our somatic states, feelings, beliefs, judgments, evaluations and actions? Political parties. However, in his philosophically more sophisticated and notoriously difficult later dialogues (such as the Parmenides, Philebus, Sophist and Statesman), Plato engages in radical criticism and revision of his earlier views. Is that principle of organization justifiable or not? [more], Martinican psychiatrist, philosopher, and revolutionary Frantz Fanon was among the leading critical theorists and Africana thinkers of the twentieth century. All three have had a profound influence on literature, social theory, and critical theories of the 20th and 21st centuries. No domain of inquiry is immune to this destructive skepticism and confident relativism. We turn first to two of Plato's most famous dialogues, Philosophical Approaches to Contemporary Moral Issues. Nevertheless, comparatively few people realize that the views we commonly think of as "Platonic" represent only one strand in Plato's thought. [more], Why are you here? [more], Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature, one of the greatest books in the history of philosophy, still exerts a considerable influence on contemporary epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, philosophy of action, ethics and moral psychology. Philosophy of Education: DuBois versus Washington, deepest questions in philosophy: consequentialism versus deontology, the goals of happiness versus dignity, long term versus short term goals, and more. this course we'll explore justice as a fundamental moral principle and as a desideratum of the US health care system. We will read several complete dialogues in translation, and will also read a wide variety of secondary source material. We will then turn to contemporary controversies such as campus free speech. What is knowledge (as opposed to mere opinion)? This tutorial aims to provide students with the skills necessary for careful, serious and thorough reading of Wittgenstein's later philosophy. Most sessions will pair readings about key concepts with specific cases that raise complex ethical issues, including the concept of moral standing and, e.g., people who do not yet exist, non-human individuals, species, and complex living systems; the concept of moral responsibility and complicity in environmentally damaging practices; the legitimacy of cost-benefit analysis as an environmental policy tool; and the valuation of human lives. Finally, we will analyze the current debate about cognitive credentials of science and about proper approaches to the study of science, which came to be known as "the science wars.". As a result, some prominent researchers propose that the existence of consciousness requires a revision of basic physics, while others (seemingly desperately) deny that consciousness exists at all. To name just a few ways: We treat animals as companions, as food, as objects of wonder in the wild, as resources to be harvested, as testing grounds for science, and as religious sacrifice. more broadly, what it is like to have a first person, waking perspective at all--resists explanation in any terms other than the conscious experience itself in spite of centuries of intense effort by philosophers and, more recently, by scientists. Could we (individually and socially) educate and cultivate them? Throughout the course, we will consult and discuss the important secondary literature on Wittgenstein, and analyze different philosophical presuppositions and goals that motivate particular readings. [more], Each of the controversial and provocative figures whom we will read in this course have exerted a tremendous influence in our understandings of what it means to be a modern subject. Messing with People: The Ethics of Human Experimentation. . The course will, I hope, provide the students an opportunity and the tools to intellectually examine deeply emotional and contentious issues. make requests, establish rules, utilize power, issue protests, and much more. Right? We will examine these and related issues by looking in depth at contemporary defenses of consequentialist, deontological, and contractualist theories. This course is an advanced seminar devoted to a comprehensive examination of Fanon's political thought. In addition to key concepts of death, dying, and terminal illness, we will develop and refine notions of medical futility, paternalism and autonomy, particularly within the context of advance directives and surrogate decision making. Epistemologists seek answers to the following kinds of questions: When is it rational to have a particular belief? Rorty challenged the very concept of morality and questioned all moral theory. [more], The last line of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus famously reads: "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent." Is it possible to have systematic knowledge of subjective experience? While answers to such questions are implicit in historically important accounts of morality, these issues became the topic of explicit, sustained debate in the twentieth and twenty-first century. Are we rationally justified in drawing causal inferences? The AFL is in shock after Adelaide Crows coach Phil Walsh was stabbed to death at his home, with his 26-year-old son arrested and charged with murder. philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome were among the first thinkers to develop rigorous arguments in response to such musings. [more], Some of the discoveries made by physicists over the last century seem to show that our common sense views are deeply at odds with our most sophisticated and best confirmed scientific theories. The stoics and skeptics both claimed a Socratic imprimatur for their own thought. In this tutorial you will read from a selection of Foucault's texts (books, lectures, interviews) in order to acquire a firm grasp of his method of "critique" and his way of looking at the interconnections between forms of power and the knowledge associated with particular disciplines. In fact, Socrates seems to have been thought of as a kind of intellectual saint in the Hellenistic world. See the college's, Experiential Learning & Community Engagement, that underlies classical tragedy, however, seems markedly different from the one that we find in classical philosophy. Hence, being with others, being dependent on others, is regarded as a key structuring feature of human existence. Our aim will be to identify and evaluate the strongest version of each argument. self-mastery, succeeding in worthwhile projects, cultivating relationships, living morally, developing spiritually)? In this course we'll examine several influential attempts to provide a rational foundation for morality, along with Nietzsche's wholesale rejection of these efforts. In this tutorial we will read philosophical texts from a range of approaches in professional philosophy since the early 20th Century (Analytic, Pragmatist, Continental or European, and Public). Must the freedom or fulfillment of some people require the subordination of others? Safety measures are in place, and campus community members and guests are additionally advised to take personal precautions. Students who have take PHIL 203 will have a good background for this class, but students who are generally comfortable with formal systems need not have taken PHIL 203. While engaging these texts, we will continually reflect on their relevance for thinking about the problems facing liberal democracies today, particularly in the U.S. [more], In this tutorial we will examine a number of prominent and controversial social issues, using our study of them both as an opportunity to better understand the moral dimensions of those issues in and of themselves, and to consider the ways in which selected classical and contemporary moral theories characterize and address those moral dimensions. What is the nature of audience's response to film? Does the fact that our lives will end threaten their meaning? Some of the questions which we will discuss are: What is a person? In this tutorial you will read from a selection of Foucault's texts (books, lectures, interviews) in order to acquire a firm grasp of his method of "critique" and his way of looking at the interconnections between forms of power and the knowledge associated with particular disciplines. The son of Adelaide Crows coach Phil Walsh has been charged with his murder, after the 55-year-old was found dead in his home, South Australian police . The debate never transpired - indeed, Leibniz suppressed his New Essays - because of Locke's death in 1705. However, few (haters gonna hate) would say that the expression has a referent. Both stances face severe difficulties. Class will be primarily driven by discussion, often preceded by brief lectures. What form of government best serves the people? The aim of this course is to explore and evaluate a number of rival conceptions of persons and personal identity over time. Through an examination of these works, we will try to get some feeling for what Socrates' controversial positions and his arguments for these positions may have been. Hegel and Karl Marx. Is a world with AI's overall better or worse for us? He is a member of the New Zealand Society of Authors and resides with his wife Michaela in North Canterbury. We shall first explore the salient features of the pragmatic approaches to language, paying special attention to Austin's notion of illocutionary force and Grice's notion of non-natural meaning. Furthermore, many of the issues that Aristotle takes up in these books remain of central importance in contemporary philosophy. Do we have any control over our emotions? According to Hegel, subjects are both historically and socially constituted; they are formed through their relations with other subjects. Unsurprisingly, philosophers have proffered a variety of answers to these questions, prompting one philosopher to remark, half-jokingly, that "there are as many definitions of philosophy as there are philosophers." Furthermore, they share the conviction that the most important components of a successful life are within the control of the individual human being. How do logic and language relate? "I can't tell you anything about the argument or the circumstances but as a result of that both Mr Walsh and his wife received the wounds," Superintendent Des Bray told reporters in Adelaide. Do particular case histories offer good explanations of psychopathology? [more], Epistemology is one of the core areas of philosophical reflection. For example, we will examine the ethics of disease surveillance, treatment and vaccine research, resource allocation and rationing, compulsion and voluntariness in public health measures, and social determinants of health outcomes, among other topics. Persons are subjects of experiences, have thoughts and feelings, motivation and agency; a person is thought of as continuous over time, and as related to, recognized and respected by other persons. [more], What gives an individual life meaning? this fact? In this way the goal of the course is significantly different from that of Logic and Language (PHIL 203). Aside from its overwhelming influence on 20th and 21st century philosophy and intellectual culture, any book which contains the remark, " if a lion could talk, we could not understand him," deserves serious attention. [more], Through lectures, discussions, close readings and assigned writings, we will consider a variety of philosophical questions about the nature of persons, and personal identity through time. Some critics find predictive failures of economists unsurprising, given the frequent reliance of the latter on assumptions known to be false (e.g., that economic agents are always selfish, have perfect information, and never make mistakes) and on models that unavoidably ignore potentially relevant factors. And on what grounds can we justify confidence in our provisional answers to such questions? In this way, we come to appreciate the importance of considering the biology on which mental processes are based and the light that this approach throws on the nature of consciousness. and Rationalism concerns whether all our knowledge derives from experience, or any is innate. Phil, miss you and wish I had the chance to say goodbye. Some maintain that these issues are solely the provinces of philosophy, using traditional a priori methods. What makes a theorem of logic true? We will then turn to contemporary controversies such as campus free speech. We will focus particularly on how subjects are positioned in relation to his writings on power and knowledge with particular attention to the later so-called ethical writings in the years before his untimely death in 1984. We will read the great 20th century philosopher who saw education as the foundation of democracy: John Dewey. What is the basis on which current psychiatric diagnostic manuals are organized? We will examine well-known philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God (including the ontological argument, the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, the argument from religious experience, and the argument from evil). New York: McGraw Hill, 2005. pp 307-323. claimed it offended Christians, and the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center was prosecuted for exhibiting allegedly obscene photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe. In this course, we will survey the ethics of public health through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic, investigating concepts and arguments that are central to the ethics of public health research and practice. We then consider a range of Buddhist critiques of these views, focusing more particularly on the Madhyamaka, which radicalizes the critique of the self into a global anti-realist and skeptical stance. Phil Walsh is a famous Australian Rules Footballer. Finally, there are those who do not think philosophy can contribute much at all to answering such questions and others who question its claims to universality given its associations with colonialism, racism, sexism, etc. role does the history of philosophy play in the discipline? The cause of death for Phil Williams Jr. was listed as "probably a . We will begin with questions about how to define death, as well as reflections on its meaning and function in human life. If there are such things--we'll call them propositions--what are they like? Those positions remain extreme, but the challenge that consciousness poses is dramatic.