Team Joe member, Jon Cooper, the Draft Joe Biden for President 2016 finance chair and former chair of The Democratic Coalition, points to the veteran street theater as a moving event in a cheap attempt to whitewash antifa and BLMs anti-Americanism. Axios, Sept. 16, 2020, Exclusive: $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive in insurance history The Washington Post, June 22, 2020, Who caused the violence at protests? He took a team of men with guns to protect him from the rowdy rioters. B&L Office . Look for more shutdowns after Oregon experiences another spike in COVID cases in the next few weeks from the riots. The Department of Homeland Security said in daily briefings about the protests that agents had been burned by fireworks and a caustic substance that were thrown over a fence surrounding the courthouse. If you are looking for a way to help Portland and arent in the area please check this out and spread the word:, Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) July 23, 2020. The mobs are deployed to cause chaos and misdirection, as they were in Portland and elsewhere in the months leading up and after the 2016 presidential election. Its about powerthe power of the collective against the rights of the individual, which is the fundamental precept upon which this country was built. Left-wing demonstrators have long made a habit of attacking, infiltrating, and occupying government buildings. After a month of demonstrations turning into riots, maybe the political correctness of how these crowds are addressed will subside. Protester Shane Braswell, who has marched in at least 60 of Portlands demonstrations, said people who oppose or are indifferent to the goals of Black Lives Matter need to . The group and antifa are connected at the hip. Heres another from the local Oregonian newspaper, whose reporters should know better, that said the rest of downtown is just fine. We Need to Talk About Mark Levin's Interview With Ron DeSantis, MONDAY AT 3PM EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' with Kruiser, VodkaPundit - Replay Available, LOL: White House Official Shares Tweet From Biden Showered With His Daughter, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Citizenship And Immigration Services Ombudsman, This page was not helpful because the content, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Myth vs. Their lawlessness celebrated and excused," reads text in the post, published by a page called The Right View of the United States. The idea is to show that rioting to bring down the country and serving to protect this country are totally the same thing. Those arrested were as follows: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler commented on the destruction that took place from the evening hours of the 25th that transitioned to the 26th, saying the following: What happened here is not helping bring about any meaningful change or reform. Brown this week signed into law expanded statewide restrictions on police use-of-force. There are different ways of measuring the property damage the riots caused, but they are up there with the damage from the 1992 Los Angeles rioting, and the totality of the urban riots of the 1960s. Rioters were more quickly repelled because they lacked the huge crowds that gave them better cover to commit acts of violence. But, Governor Kate Brown has COVID restrictions on large gatherings too. The duplicitous politicians have agreed that the law doesnt apply to the Democrats pet protesters. (Photo: John Rudoff/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images) Looking for U.S. government information and services? Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil. Demonstrators gather the evening of July 4 at Portland's Justice Center and throughout the city; authorities declared a riot about 12:20 a.m. July 5. Why Violence Is Increasing. Thats because the political class of like-minded public servants agree with them and let them do it. Welcome to Portland, with its white protesters cast for their newly announced production, the Wall of Vets, a collection of protesters who now call themselves military veterans. In this 28 May 2020 file photo, a protester gestures in front of the burning 3rd precinct building of the Minneapolis police department in Minneapolis. Anotherclaim surfaced Feb. 15 on Facebook. Protest dad, using a skateboard as a shield This is unlawful., U.S Attorney for Oregon Billy Williams gets irritated by biased media who refuse to accurately describe the criminal behavior of rioters trying to burn down the Portland federal courthouse. embarrassed the citys beleaguered Democratic mayor, centerpiece of Trumps law and order re-election campaign, was killed Thursday night by law enforcement, officials in suburban counties refused a call, left-wing groups demanding his resignation, protesters broke windows and set fires there. Peaceful protester? While trying to set these fires, reports indicate that people were still inside of these buildings, including an occupied police precinct. As Ive said from the beginning, these peaceful protests are being hijacked by a very hard core of instigators, violent instigators, Mr. Barr said. Other injuries included broken bones, hearing damage, eye damage, a dislocated shoulder, sprains, strains, and contusions.. While the post contains an element of truth, it presents a misleading comparison of the Freedom Convoy and Black Lives Matter protests. Police officers inside thought theyd die that night and if theyd stayed they would have. The FBI, DEA, ATF, and other federal law enforcement agencies do not require local requests from communities to enforce federal law. We've said this before, but to re-iterate: we are not organizing, leading, or otherwise behind the local protests. But they believe youre dumb enough to believe it. Roughly an hour later, calls from the riotous crowd were yelling that they intended to burn down the police precinct. . Hey hey, ho ho, these racist cops have got to go. Further down MLK at NE Jarrett, we found the looted business. Portland's City Hall was broken into and vandalized, Bibles and American flags were burned, and buildings were set on fire several . The demonstrations that started in late May after the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis have divided residents and embarrassed the citys beleaguered Democratic mayor. You thought the Great White Way was closed for COVID? Rioters were said to have shot off fireworks toward the precinct, and the crowd of people were said to have been blatantly ignoring calls from police that had deemed the assembly to be unlawful. Demonstrators in Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday vandalized the state Democratic Party headquarters and a federal US Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, according to police. The scale of damage tonight recalled the riots last May. Send any friend a story. REUTERS. Portland Police Bureau - 09/07/20 2:59 AM. Roughly an hour later, calls from the riotous crowd were yelling that they intended to burn down the police precinct. Minneapolis was the original source of the protests and riots. with the ones looting Louis Vuitton, tearing down statues of George Washington, and trying to burn down federal buildings. Jillian Trent, an emergency room nurse who joined a recent march, said that she had seen an uptick of patients with injuries caused by rubber bullets and other police munitions. Police say it was the work of protesters in NE Portland overnight #LiveOnK2, Dan McCarthy (@DanMcKATU) June 26, 2020. A surge in gun violence and homicides has disproportionately impacted the Black community this summer and police say they are stretched so thin that they dont have time to adequately investigate or even respond to routine calls. Security concerns explode as Afghan refugees pour into U.S. before to proper processing, Snoop Dogg the criminal talks for a living calls educated black conservatives The Cn Bunch (Op-ed). For the third consecutive night, Portland activists gathered Tuesday to . It's almost like Portland police have been waiting years for a chance like that while ANTIFA have run riot on them. Crews are cleaning up the shattered glass and starting to board up windows. Feds, right-wing media paint Portland as city under siege. A tour of town shows otherwise, The Oregonian (@Oregonian) July 18, 2020. In October 2020, researchers writing forThe Washington Post analyzed 7,305 protest eventsand found police made arrests at 5% of them. On Sunday . This is only my second day. As he stood there staring intently at the IED-pocked, scorched, and graffitied building, there was an unprovoked gassing of the protesters. Eric Larsen, the interim police chief, said that of the 71 people who were charged in state or federal court with crimes related to the unrest, 42 people were residents of Kenosha. - Admas Travel Chicago Avenue: Destroyed by fire. Hey Twitter family, lets try and get @riotkitchen206 their food truck! As soon as they showed up, they pushed Portland too far, and as long as they are hurting innocent citizens the moms, the dads everybodys coming out. Crowd: Yes! Ahhhh! Crowd: Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Crowd: Ahhhh! Thats the sound of frustration. I think that people are becoming reinvigorated by seeing how theyre treating us. They know theyre not safe from the rabble. Quick! I think the whole notion of folks putting their bodies on the line is a pretty powerful act and a necessary one especially when that tactic is sometimes the only one available to people like me.. Federal law clearly states that DHS has the authority to protect federal property and arrest criminals who damage federal property or attack federal officers. As protest-watcher Andy Ngo pointed out, the building had been set on fire and rioters were throwing explosives.. Wheeler may be a lot of things, but heroic isnt one. When we have each others back, we show who the real strength is. The biggest thing today thats changed is that you see people of all ages. In January 2021, the owner paid . The 100th consecutive night of protests in Portland quickly escalated into a riot Saturday as people hurled "multiple fire bombs, mortars, rocks and other items" at officers, police said. This is the stuff of terrorists and its real, as Acting Department of Homeland Security Deputy Ken Cuccinelli says. MCCA members say they experienced 8,700 total protest events during that roughly two-month period. So certain is Wheeler that the rioters should be viewed as misunderstood arsonists and predators that the mayor/police commissioner took an armed five-person plainclothes police detail with him on his listening session photo op to show everyone how safe it was during a Portland antifa and Black Lives Matter street riot. The worst-case scenario is that theres another incident and it just touches off so much that the city just cant survive it very well, said Ron Louie, a former suburban Portland police chief, author of a crisis negotiation book and current Portland State University professor. Lets just say this wasnt exactly a peaceful protest.. The Times could not independently confirm the use of those weapons. Behind the scenes, progress toward racial equity has advanced quietly. At all. Those of us covering the Portland Professional Protester scene for years have seen most of this behavior before. #5vtshow, Victoria Taft (@VictoriaTaft) March 1, 2012. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Others say the street activism and particularly violence is taking attention away from other urgent issues affecting the Black community. Local and national press argue that only downtown Portlanders are inconvenienced by the riots as if thats somehow OK and that the riots dont affect anyone else. Last night was plainly and simply about arson. Federal law, in particular 40 U.S.C. 1. As my Facebook Friend Kathleen Worman wrote in response to a contest of sorts Im having to come up with clever names for the riots and rioters, the Oregon woman pronounced them Demtifa. Another friend dubs the riots as Commie-Con. True that. USA TODAY reached out to Wright and The Right View of the United Statesfor comment. But the post is wrong to say demonstrators faced no consequences. It's true that, in 2020, protests over Floyd's death were estimated to have caused about $2 billion in damage. In fact, this Christian Broadcast Network reporter, who was standing near the mayor, says rioters were given several warnings to get out or theyd be pushed back with crowd-control devices tear gas. from the more than 100 days of consecutive chaos in Portland to the explosive unrest in Kenosha, . The mayor knew this. Here is what the Portland fire department has had to sa. leading up and after the 2016 presidential election. Antifa and their BLM brethren seek to destroy American institutions because they claim those institutions are somehow racist and oppressive. The Dads, who look oddly like the rioters from the night before, came with the leaf blowers to blow back at federal officers all the CS or tear gas theyve deployed, while their comrades yes, they call them comrades, lobbed IEDs. - Shoff Chiropractic East Lake Street: Destroyed by fire. They claim to practice empathy, but theyre not about black people whose lives have been snuffed out by abortion, black-on-black crime, or during riots. "So yes, Im absolutely fine with some truckers & farmers clogging roads & bridges for freedom. FOX 9. This is a group that beats people carrying flags, burns US flags, & chants for abolishment of the US. This was widely scoffed at. Some more serious charges were filed as well, however. Hey hey, ho ho. Im here right now because the feds are here, and thats terrifying to me as a citizen. President Trumps deployment of federal agents is fueling the unrest in Portland, where protests have continued for over 50 consecutive days. Mr. Barr and other federal officials have drawn attention to vandalism and other reckless behavior on the part of the protesters, while city officials have said that federal agents dispatched to the district court in downtown Portland have exceeded their authority and harmed peaceful protesters. On his listening session at the riots last Wednesday night, Mayor Ted Wheeler stood at the fence line protecting the federal courthouse, which hes now trying to remove because its in the way of a bike lane(side note: theres only one group of people more beloved than antifa in Portland and thats bicyclists). A coalition called Reimagine Oregon has advanced statewide proposals to end systemic racism in everything from housing access to education to policing. It was about destruction.. Protesters in Portland marched to a government building Tuesday night, smashing windows and setting an office ablaze in what authorities called a riot. Marketing and Sales professional based out in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Is #OPDX #OccupyPDX HIRING ACTOR to pretend they're apologetic captains of industry to rile up their mobs? Action! Far from denouncing the violent and destructive nightly arsons and assaults, Democrats embrace the riots to denounce President Trump. Antifa sympathizers and 'streamers' pledged more riots like the ones last summer. Federal law enforcement officers in Portland and cities across America wear uniforms that clearly identify themselves as POLICE. Moreover, all uniforms contain other insignia that identifies their units or team. Reports indicating otherwise are irresponsible and inaccurate. Others have shone lasers at federal agents and at security cameras surrounding the building, in an effort to block their view of the crowd. Wheeler announced this week he would move out of his upscale condominium complex after protesters broke windows and set fires there, spooking his neighbors. The reporter from CBN called the mayor a liar for alleging that the federal police response was unprovoked. Antifa activists attempted to burn down the Mark Hatfield federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon Thursday night. Whose streets? Wall of Vets' joins Black Lives Matter protests in Portland, Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) July 25, 2020. She handed over a police precinct to the mob. Copyright 2023 Media. These can, and are intended to, cause serious eye damage to law enforcement officers. Wheelers strategy, if you can call it that, of letting the rioters riot and ruin part of downtown, leaves Oregonians feeling unsafe, police outraged, and the rule of law in tatters. Were going to continue doing this, and were going to continue doing it peacefully. There we go, Portland. When we are together as a unit, when we are together were not afraid. 1315, clearly states that the Secretary of Homeland Security "shall protect the buildings, grounds, and property that are owned, occupied, or secured by the Federal Government." Federal officers have been protecting the courthouse in downtown Portland since it was built 1997. The nightly protests in Portland, which began in late May as a response to the police killing of George Floyd, have become the backdrop for a conflict between federal officials and local leaders. So what can we do? You can either get alongside us and move with us or youre eventually going to be left behind, he said. The cleaning and repair . The media and Leftists, but I repeat myself, often point to the fact that federal charging documents against rioters do not include the word antifa. They say its proof the group doesnt exist as an organization. But smaller protests have continued, with groups of 100 to 200 people marching nightly. Riots, however, are not protected speech. The owner famously said, "Let my building burn. Respected Milwaukee community figure, Bernell Trammell, Trump and Black Lives Matter supporter, fatally shot in front of own store. But BLM has soldiered on, recasting the group as being in support of black lives, when its only blacks killed in connection with a law-enforcement action that they care about. They faced no consequences. Fact Check: How Violent Are the Portland Protests? I dont think so., Here is a shield and a couple of gas masks from a rioter arrested in Portland. subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. Of course, to get dads to show up with leaf blowers, which youll come to learn are dead-useful at a riot, you must put out a casting call and bring your gas masks and bring your leaf blower. As Ngo tweeted, This should have been the arrangement months ago but the state & city governments hate Trump so much they refused to protect federal property.. They just put on a yellow shirt now for optics. The George Floyd riots cost $2 billion. People are coming in with their jaws falling off, she said. At approximately 2:15 a.m., the north side of the precinct had been set on fire. And the Portland City Council in June reallocated nearly $16 million from the police budget to community programs focused on the needs of people of color by eliminating a special gun violence task force and school resource officers in three urban school districts. As you may have wondered, yes, Portland has a leaf blower ordinance ( Leaf Blower Regulations 18.10.035) banning the use of them in the city after 7 p.m. Justice needs to be served," during the initial riots, and became an international symbol of the unrest. This ones from Occupy Portland that occurred in 2011-12. They already are. Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) July 19, 2020, Ngo writes of these moms, I recognize a lot of the so-called moms as the same antifa women who dressed in black as recent as a couple days ago. Thousands of demonstrators turned out nightly, with some hurling fireworks, rocks, ball bearings and bottles at the agents. The Seattle Police Department released partial body camera video that showed explosions erupting near officers and photographs of cuts and burns suffered by officers that they said were from explosives set off by the protesters. Now that the antifa hard cider hang out Cider Riot! is out of business, you can help out the organized Riot Ribs food cart to make food for hungry rioters. How 2020 protests changed insurance forever, Exclusive: $1 billion-plus riot damage is most expensive in insurance history. - Logan's Burgers Lake Street: Property damage. The police said 59 officers had been injured, including one who was hospitalized. #PortlandRiots. When not working or combating bad ideas, Hoyt also leisurely studies economics, history, and law. Hundreds of buildings were damaged, many of which were looted, set ablaze and destroyed. July 19, 2020 04:08 PM. Kate Conger reported from Portland, Ore., and Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs from New York. The building was the site of over 120 consecutive nights of rioting by BLM and Antifa last summer. Portland police have released a timeline of protests over the last three months, and it shows which demonstrations devolved into riots and unlawful assemblies. On cue, protests to support Portland from Trumps secret police are popping up in cities across America. 40 U.S.C. The fire rises Like our page to get updates throughout the day on our latest debunks. Who says theyre not organized? These are people who want to burn down America. However, the post is wrong to claimprotesters saw no consequences in fact, over 10,000 protesters were arrested, most for low-level offenses. Theyve been helping us a ton! Most of these people arent mothers & many dont even identify as female. There are well over 200 full-time paid firefighters today, compared to four at the time of the Great Fire. Lights! The post has been shared over 15,000 times since it was posted on Aug. 14. An official website of the United States government., Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli (@HomelandKen) July 26, 2020. And tear gas is internationally banned in war, and theyre using it on our streets, on our young people. Despite the large number of arrests, The Hill reported most of those protesters were booked not for violent crimes, but for low-level offenses such as violating curfews. Consider their statement their official legal disclaimer, even as they help put together IEDs and source green lasers for rioters. LET has a private home for those who support emergency responders and veterans called LET Unity. Along parts of Pine Street, where many of the confrontations between police and rioters took place, few businesses were untouched. They responded with huge plumes of tear gas, rubber bullets and flash-bang grenades that created chaotic, war zone-like scenes. The prime suspect in the shooting, self-described anti-fascist Michael Forest Reinoehl, was killed Thursday night by law enforcement. None. Then the dads showed up at the riots. ORWELLIAN: Portland Mayor Claims Officers Tear-Gas Response to Arson Completely Unprovoked, As Antifa Terrorizes Portland, Biden Claims Trump Is Attacking Peaceful Protesters. How about instead of simply yelling at rioters on bullhorns, you take action to ensure the safety of your officers and law-abiding citizens? You know, this has really been led by a kind of Generation Z feeling, and right now were seeing a larger swath of Portland coming together, and my parents generation is finally paying attention. Say her name! Crowd: Breonna Taylor. Say her name! Crowd: Breonna Taylor! People initially came out to protest systemic racism and police violence, but say the federal response has raised the stakes. As federal agents moved beyond the courthouse and into the streets of Portland which experts have said they may not have legal authority to do agents have also been involved in scuffles with protesters who tried to prevent arrests. The DHS mission in Portland is to protect federal property. The building had been set on fire and rioters were throwing explosives. Per an agreement between @OregonGovBrown & @DHS_Wolf, there are OR State Police visibly protecting the federal courthouse starting now. In St. Paul, more than 50 businesses were vandalized and destroyed. A Department of Homeland Security spokesman did not respond to a request for more information about this injury. Instead of black bloc balaclavas or masks, the politicians have donned the cloak of civil libertarianism. While they're not wrong in expressing all of those emotions, it does contrast with how they treated the estimated $2.3 million in damages rioters caused in Portland, Oregon, during Black Lives Matter protests that dragged on for months last summer, Fox News reported. . Portland's modern, professional fire department is another reason a conflagration is unlikely to happen today. Three investigations, including one by Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, showed that wasnt true. Mr. Barr also claimed that protesters had used Tasers, pellet guns and slingshots against the federal officers. Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) August 31, 2020. Minneapolis city officials now say 700 buildings were damaged, burned or destroyed in the recent unrest following the death of George Floyd. This report looked at unrest in the 68 largest municipal and county jurisdictions in the United States and Canada from May 25, 2020 to July 31, 2020. In Portland, officers are not wearing name tags because of doxing attacks against law enforcement officers, which threaten the safety of not only our officers but also of their families. They necessarily conflict with other peoples rights to be left the hell alone and in peace to go about their lives. In doing so, they make a mockery of it. They direct traffic, block freeways, block bridges, block ingress to the airport, barricade doors of police precincts, and set the building on fire and burn police union halls. Black Lives Matter protests, vigils and speeches marking the occasion are planned over three days and Trump supporters are planning another caravan rally. Official government organization in the recent unrest following the death of George Washington, and were to. Combating bad ideas, Hoyt also leisurely studies economics, history, and law,:... 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